Clericla Ability – Alphabetic Filing
In an alphabetic filing test, your knowledge of and ability to use alphabetic filing rules are assessed. It’s essential to know the alphabet by heart to perform well in this test. However, simply knowing the alphabet isn’t enough; you also need to understand the specific rules of alphabetic filing.
Click here to download a guide that teaches you the rules of alphabetic filing.
Expect to be tasked with arranging a filing sequence for names of individuals and companies, including company names that incorporate a mix of letters and numbers.
Alphabetic Filing example question:
If only these four companies were to be filed, what would the order be?
1) 24/7 IT Solutions
2) Performance Unlimited
3) Flex Authority
4) Flexible Power
Explanation: Select your answer to display explanation.
Sort numbers first.
Only consider the text after the space if the first text is identical.
So, the correct filing order is:
24/7 IT Solutions, Flex Authority, Flexible Power, Performance Unlimited.
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