Test Prep Platform
Full Access
Preparation can be the difference between passing and failing your test. Prepare with us and pass your test!

3000+ practice questions
Access a collection of high-quality test questions, thoughtfully developed by experts and consistently enhanced through user feedback, for a superior preparation experience.

Detailed Solution Explanations
Every test question comes with a thoroughly explained solution, providing clear understanding and insight

Test Statistics
Receive detailed statistics and charts tracking your test practice progress, offering a clear view of your improvement over time.

Test Simulations
Set up simulations to replicate the specific test scenario you will encounter.Full access
Only $39
6 months access to all prep packages.
Not a subscription, you only pay once.
About the Platformen
High-quality Test Questions
Practice using our large database of more than 3,000 high-quality test questions. All our test questions resemble those of real aptitude tests.
Study in practice mode with instant feedback on each answer, or simulate real test conditions with our timed tests.
Solutions Explained in Detail
Frustrated with just knowing your answer is wrong without understanding the reason?
Our solutions offer clear and detailed explanations, so you’ll not only grasp why an answer was incorrect but also greatly improve your chances of getting similar questions right in your next attempt.
Score Data and Progression Charts
Your test results are securely stored and readily accessible, presented in an intuitive and user-friendly format. Utilize this data to verify improvements in your test performance, identify your areas of strength and weakness, or simply explore it for enjoyment.
Compare Your Performance
After completing a test, you can compare your results with those of previous test-takers. This eliminates the need to guess about your performance.
From the statistics of previous test-takers, you can see:
- The average score for the specific test you took.
- The average number of correct answers for each question.
- The answers others provided for each specific question.
- The amount of time others spent answering each specific question.
- The number of test-takers who skipped each specific question.
Practice anytime and anywhere
Access your Test Prep Account from anywhere, whether you’re at home or on the move. This online software is available 24/7 and can be accessed from any internet browser.
Our software is designed for universal compatibility, seamlessly working with all devices including PCs, Macs, and both iOS and Android mobile devices.
Aptitude Test Preparation
6 months of access to all prep packages.
- 3000+ practice questions
- Access to all test prep packages
- Detailed solutions to all questions
- Compare your performance
- Compatible with all your devices
- Simulate a real test
- Test statistics and progress charts
- Friendly customer service
- Access 24/7
Full access
Only $39
Not a subscription, you only pay once.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you are not fully satisfied with our test preparation materials, or it turns out that you do not need them after all, receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Read more about our Money Back Guarantee.