Today we have added 305 completely new practice aptitude test questions. 105 new Numerical Aptitude questions:– 50 Numerical Logic questions– 40 Basic Arithmetic questions– 15 Numerical Word Problems 200 new Verbal Aptitude questions:– 30 Deductive Reasoning questions– 30 Vocabulary questions– 30 Word Relationship questions– 100 Reading Comprehension questions The new questions are available to Test […]
Category Archives: News
Today we have added 130 completely new non-verbal test questions: 80 Abstract Reasoning test questions30 Inductive Reasoning test questions All our users with a full access or non-verbal access Test Prep Account can start practicing with the new questions right now. Do you not yet have a Test Prep Account? Sign up today!
2019 has been an eventful year at We have brough a lot of new content and software improvements to our users. We are not done, 2020 will bring even more new content and some pleasant surprises. We wish you all good health, happiness, and success in the coming year. Happy New Year!
In our new Personality Test section, you can read more about personality tests and learn about the different tests used during recruitment to evaluate the personality of candidates. You can also try a free personality test based on the Five-Factor Model, also called the Big Five. The test is 100% free and there is no […]
We are happy to announce that we are now offering clerical ability test preparation. Clerical ability test preparation is offered through the Clerical Ability Test Prep package. The package includes: Available now, sign up here.
Today we have added an additional 100 critical thinking test questions. Our full package and verbal package members can take advantage of the new questions from today!
Are you ready to face a real aptitude or ability test? If you are not sure of your answer, try our new Aptitude Test Readiness Evaluation. The test is free and no registration is required.Learn your strengths and weaknesses through the five different sub-tests. The full test contains 50 questions and takes 20 – 30 […]
Today we have added 80 new practice test questions! The new questions are: – 10 Mechanical Comprehension Questions– 35 Vocabulary Questions (Synonyms & Antonyms)– 35 Situational Judgement Scenarios (140 test items) All our members can practice on the new questions from today.
Today we have added 25 new situational judgement test (SJT) scenarios, a total of 100 new situational judgement items. The 25 new scenarios are all of the rating type of SJT. All our members can practice on the new SJT questions from today.
We are happy to announce a completely new question category!As of today all users with a full access Test Prep Account can access our new Situational Judgement Test (SJT) questions.We have added a total of 50 SJT scenarios / 125 test items. Also available: Try our free Situational Judgement Test.