Caliper Profile Assessment Prep Now Available!
We’re happy to announce that we now offer comprehensive preparation materials for the Caliper Profile Assessment, also known as the Talogy Caliper. Our preparation resources include: Detailed guides, 500 practice questions, a simulated Caliper assessment, and more. Check out the new Caliper Profile preparation resources today and take the next step toward success!
Nov website redesign
We are excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website at! Our new design features a streamlined, modern interface with enhanced navigation and faster loading times. This update is part of our ongoing effort to make our educational resources more accessible and user-friendly. We hope that you will enjoy the new website.
Introducing the McQuaig Test Preparation Package now offers preparation materials for the McQuaig Mental Agility Test. With over 900 thoughtfully curated practice questions spanning 90 practice tests, this package is your ultimate tool to conquer your upcoming exams with confidence. Key Highlights: Don’t leave your success to chance – supercharge your prep with our McQuaig Test Prep package today! Discover more and try a free practice test: McQuaig Test Prep
New Mechanical Aptitude Prep Questions
We are excited to announce the addition of 65 new preparation questions for mechanical aptitude tests today. These questions include: We have made these questions available to all Full Access and Mechanical Access account holders. Whether you are a new customer or an existing one, you can now access these new questions to enhance your preparation.
Spatial Ability Materials Improved
All illustrations in this question category are now high quality vector graphics. Questions of inferior quality have been removed and a lot of new questions have been added.All questions now have detailed explanations.
The Predictive Index Test Preparation
The Predictive Index has been added to our test publisher’s section. We now offer test preparation materials carefully developed for the Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment (PICA). The PICA was formerly known as the Predictive Index Learning Indicator (PILI) and The Professional Learning Indicator (PLI). It is not uncommon that the test may still be branded as PLI—the tests are the same. Get your Predictive Index Test Prep account now and get access to 850 practice questions with explained solutions, two full-length PI Cognitive Assessment test simulations, extra study tools, and much more. Go to our Predictive Index Test Preparation page [...]
Criteria Test Preparation
Criteria Corp has been added to our test publisher’s section. We now offer test preparation materials carefully developed for two of the most common Criteria tests: Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST) Get your Criteria Test Prep account now and get access to 500 CBST and 1000 CCAT practice questions with explained solutions, fully simulated tests, extra study tools, and much more. Go to our Criteria Test Preparation page to learn more.
New and Improved App
We have now released a completely new version of the Aptitude Test Trainer, our iOS and Android app. This is a complete remake of the app with a new design and new features!850 new test questions has been added.Several new question categories.You can now compare your scores with others and see how others answered a question. Find the app in App Store for iOS.orFind the app in Google Play for Android.
Cubiks and Revelian Test Preparation
We are now introducing a new section of the website: practice tests by Test Publishers. Cubiks Logiks Tests:We have test preparation materials for the Cubiks ability tests, called the Cubiks Logiks. Try a free Cubiks Logiks test or learn more about the test series. Revelian Aptitude Tests:If you are looking for test prep materials for the Revelian aptitude tests, we can help you! Try a free Revelian aptitude test or learn more about the test series.
305 New Test Questions!
Today we have added 305 completely new practice aptitude test questions. 105 new Numerical Aptitude questions:– 50 Numerical Logic questions– 40 Basic Arithmetic questions– 15 Numerical Word Problems 200 new Verbal Aptitude questions:– 30 Deductive Reasoning questions– 30 Vocabulary questions– 30 Word Relationship questions– 100 Reading Comprehension questions The new questions are available to Test Prep Account holders from today. Do you still not have an account? Sign up now.
130 New Test Questions
Today we have added 130 completely new non-verbal test questions: 80 Abstract Reasoning test questions30 Inductive Reasoning test questions All our users with a full access or non-verbal access Test Prep Account can start practicing with the new questions right now. Do you not yet have a Test Prep Account? Sign up today!
Happy New Year
2019 has been an eventful year at We have brough a lot of new content and software improvements to our users. We are not done, 2020 will bring even more new content and some pleasant surprises. We wish you all good health, happiness, and success in the coming year. Happy New Year!
Free Personality Test
In our new Personality Test section, you can read more about personality tests and learn about the different tests used during recruitment to evaluate the personality of candidates. You can also try a free personality test based on the Five-Factor Model, also called the Big Five. The test is 100% free and there is no sign-up required. Try the free personality test now.
Clerical Ability Test Preparation
We are happy to announce that we are now offering clerical ability test preparation. Clerical ability test preparation is offered through the Clerical Ability Test Prep package. The package includes: Available now, sign up here.
New Critical Thinking Questions
Today we have added an additional 100 critical thinking test questions. Our full package and verbal package members can take advantage of the new questions from today!
New: Aptitude Test Readiness Evaluation
Are you ready to face a real aptitude or ability test? If you are not sure of your answer, try our new Aptitude Test Readiness Evaluation. The test is free and no registration is required.Learn your strengths and weaknesses through the five different sub-tests. The full test contains 50 questions and takes 20 – 30 minutes to complete.
New Practice Questions
Today we have added 80 new practice test questions! The new questions are: – 10 Mechanical Comprehension Questions– 35 Vocabulary Questions (Synonyms & Antonyms)– 35 Situational Judgement Scenarios (140 test items) All our members can practice on the new questions from today.
New Situational Judgement Items
Today we have added 25 new situational judgement test (SJT) scenarios, a total of 100 new situational judgement items. The 25 new scenarios are all of the rating type of SJT. All our members can practice on the new SJT questions from today.
New Question Category: Situational Judgement
We are happy to announce a completely new question category!As of today all users with a full access Test Prep Account can access our new Situational Judgement Test (SJT) questions.We have added a total of 50 SJT scenarios / 125 test items. Also available: Try our free Situational Judgement Test.
70 New Test Questions
Today we have added 70 brand new test questions! The new test questions have been added to all relevant Test Prep packages. The new questions are: 20 Deductive Reasoning questions 50 Diagrammatic Reasoning questions
Introducing: The Training Assistant
Today we have released a large update of the Test Prep software. With this update we are introducing the Training Assistant. Using the Training Assistant you will get a tailored practice plan and continuous motivational feedback. The new update includes multiple small bug fixes and optimization changes. However, the most significant improvement brought along with the new update is the Training Assistant. The Training Assistant will: – Help you choose exactly what subjects to practice, this will allow you to save time – Create a tailored test preparation plan based on these subjects and your test date (if known) – [...]
70 new test questions!
Our members with a Test Prep Account will now be able to practice with even more high-quality test questions. We have added 70 new test questions. 31 Inductive reasoning questions 21 Numerical reasoning questions 18 Verbal reasoning questions Have you not yet signed up for a Test Prep Account? Learn more and sign up by clicking here.
New Question Category: Diagrammatic Reasoning
Today we have added a completely new question category: Diagrammatic Reasoning! Members with a Test Prep Account will now have access to 50 brand new Diagrammatic Reasoning test questions.Diagrammatic reasoning has been added to the Non-Verbal question category. Click to read more about diagrammatic reasoning and to try a free diagrammatic reasoning test.
Introducing the Mechanical Test Study Guide
All our members with a Full or Mechanical Test Prep Account now have access to the new Mechanical Test Study guide. With the Mechanical Study Guide you can: Learn about the 7 most important subjects in mechanical tests. Apply your new knowledge with the 2-4 questions following each subject. Avoid the most common mistakes in your mechanical test. Get your Test Prep Account today and ace your mechanical test!
New Question Category: Deductive Reasoning
We have added a completely new question category under Verbal Aptitude, the Deductive Reasoning Test category If you have a Test Prep account you will now be able to run all 87 test questions in the new Deductive Reasoning category.If you do not have a Test Prep Account, visit the new deductive reasoning test page to try a free practice test.
Study Tools now available on new software
When we implemented the new test preparation software three weeks ago it did not contain the Study Tools section – it does now. The Study Tools are now available in the new software, with a few improvements:
Major Website Upgrade and Redesign
We are happy to announce that we have made a comprehensive website redesign and software update. The most important changes are: New and better HTML5-based testing software All our tests and test preparation software are now accessible on all devices, including iOS and Android. All advertising has been removed. No more ads anywhere! Important question category changes, read more here. Website redesign. We hope you like the new look. New News & Articles section Most of our webpage content has been improved. We wish you the best of luck with your test preparation and assessment testing!
Important Category Changes
With the new software and new website design, we have made some important question category changes. Most of these changes have been made in order to align the category names with the names used by the largest assessment test providers. These changes only apply to the new software, the old software will still have the old categories. New Categories Verbal Coherence and Cohesion 21 new questions in this new category Code Breaking 21 new questions in this new category Category Changes Category name before change: Numerical Reasoning Numerical reasoning has been split into three different categories. Most questions have gone [...]