Revelian is an Australian pre-employment assessment company founded in 1999 and formerly known as One Test. Revelian has customers from more than 45 countries worldwide and delivers over 500,000 assessments every year.
Revelian strongly believes in game-based assessments. In 2015, the company was the first to launch a game-based psychometric assessment.
Apart from game-based tests, Revelian offers a wide range of other assessments, including cognitive ability tests, personality tests, and work safety assessments.
In 2020, Criteria Corp acquired Revelian, the Revelian assessments remains the same after the change in ownership.
At Aptitude-test.com we offer comprehensive practice materials for the four Revelian tests listed below.
The following is a list of the assessments offered by Revelian:
Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT)
The Revelian cognitive ability test is a timed test to measure your general cognitive ability. The test includes questions concerning verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning, and numerical reasoning.
Learn more about the Revelian Cognitive Ability Test.
Revelian Abstract Reasoning Test
The abstract reasoning test assesses your ability to solve conceptual problems by identifying relationships and analyzing patterns. The questions in this category are similar to the abstract questions in the RCAT.
Learn more about the Revelian Abstract Reasoning Test.
Revelian Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal questions assess your ability to accurately read and interpret English. This could be in the form of word association or questions that ask you to identify groups of words or draw logical conclusions. Questions from this category are similar to the verbal questions in the RCAT.
Learn more about the Revelian Verbal Reasoning Test.
Revelian Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical reasoning tests assess your ability to understand numerical relationships and concepts, and to reason using numbers. The questions from this category are similar to the numerical questions in the RCAT.
Learn more about the Revelian Numerical Reasoning Test.
The Revelian Emotional Intelligence Test
The emotional intelligence test is also called the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT).
This test assesses your ability to understand your own and other’s emotions and how you use emotions to enhance your thoughts. The test predicts leadership potential and how well you can communicate with others.
The test consists of a variety of situational questions and has a time limit of 40 minutes. The questions describe different work-related situations and you are to choose what you would do in the described situation.
The test measures your ability to:
- Perceive emotions: Emotional perception involves paying attention to and accurately decoding emotional signals in facial expressions, tones of voice, and artistic expressions.
- Facilitate thought: Measures the abilities within effective problem-solving, reasoning, and decision-making.
- Understand emotions: Understanding what leads to various emotions is a critical component of emotional intelligence. It is also an important component in having successful interactions with others, and it is of vital importance to good leadership.
- Manage emotions: This is the ability to remain open to emotional information at important times and closed to emotions when they may not be relevant. Managing emotions also refers to using emotions in a considered and rational manner rather than choosing to act without the appropriate degree of thought.
A game-based cognitive ability test where you are asked to play different interactive games designed to test your suitability for jobs.
The games require abilities within problem-solving, numerical reasoning, and verbal knowledge, and as such, test some of the same abilities as the RCAT.
The games in Cognify are:
- Resemble: You need to assemble a figure to make it a replicate of a shown figure. You are given small pieces of the figure, and the game requires the ability to visualize the pieces as the shown figure and assemble a duplicate.
- Gridlock: This game resembles Tetris. Bricks with different shapes and sizes drop slowly, and you are to place them quickly before the next brick appears.
- Shortcuts: You are to move a marble from one area to another. The marble can be moved from field to field, and you must also move obstacles along the way. The challenge is to move the marble to its destination by using as few moves as possible.
- Tally Up: You are shown two groups of tokens. Each token has a value written on it. The player is to quickly decide which group of tokens has the highest value.
- Numbubbles: A number appears at the bottom of the screen. Then some bubbles with different equations written on them appear. The player must pick the bubble with the equation that equals the target number.
- Proof It: You must identify spelling and grammar errors.
Emotify is an emotional intelligence test measuring your ability to identify emotions in people’s faces and to understand how different events and situations influence emotions.
Motify measures your interpersonal intelligence.
In this test, you are shown a picture of a person and a word that represents a feeling. You are to quickly decide whether the feeling described by the word matches the feeling of the person shown in the picture. This test measures your ability to read body language and facial expressions.
16 personality factors questionnaire (16PF)
This questionnaire assesses the unique characteristics that underlie and influence a person’s behavior. The test consists of 170 multiple-choice questions. There is no time limit, but it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
The test assesses your personality and consists of questions where you are to choose whether a statement fits your personality.
The assessment is based on a personality model that incorporates 16 primary factors that can be grouped into five global factors:
- Relating to others: Do you spend more time and energy investing in your interpersonal relationships or do you prefer spending time alone and working independently?
- Influencing and collaboration: In terms of influencing your environment, are you more forceful, assertive and independent, or more cooperative and collaborative?
- Thinking style: Do you tend to think in an intuitive, creative way or a more objective, realistic way?
- Structure and flexibility: Are you more likely to show self-discipline and self-control, or do you have a more unrestrained, flexible approach?
- Managing pressure: What is your style when it comes to coping with pressure, disappointments, challenges, setbacks, and stress?
Behavioral Profile (RBP)
This anticipates workplace behavior by understanding personality orientation and preferred communication style.
You are to choose which of four sets of behavioral descriptors best describes your style.
The assessment can be completed within 10 minutes and consists of 24 questions.
Values Inventory (RVI)
The RVI test compares your work-related values to the values of a particular organization. You are asked a series of questions about what you feel is most important in an ideal situation, and the employer can then compare your values with the values of the workplace to secure the best match.
The test takes about 10 minutes to complete, and during this time, you are asked to rank 20 work-related values in order of importance to you.
Work Preferences Profile (RWPP)
Similar to the Revelian values inventory test, the work preferences profile test measures to what degree there is a match between you and the job in question. In this test, the compatibility between your work preferences and the job position in question is measured.
You are asked 84 questions about your tasks and job preferences, and the employer can then compare the results to the tasks and requirements of the job.
Work preferences are the foundation of job satisfaction. Employees who enjoy their work are engaged, high-performers who are satisfied and more likely to stay longer in the job and have a positive influence on their colleagues.
Work Reliability Scale (RWRS)
Extensive research has shown that integrity tests can predict whether a potential employee might act unethically. Screening for negative attitudes allows employers to identify individuals who are less likely to undertake, condone, or support a range of counterproductive behaviors.
The test measures integrity and reliability and is, as such, designed to predict honest and ethical behavior.
You are asked to view 54 statements and indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each. The test can be completed within 10 minutes.
Work Safety Assessment (RWSA)
This assesses the beliefs and attitudes you have toward safety at work. It will identify your propensity to work safely, avoid risk, and take responsibility for safety outcomes.
The assessment helps identify people with high levels of safety control: those who believe they can influence whether an accident or injury occurs by the actions they take. These employees or candidates are more likely to adopt a proactive approach to safety and follow safety rules and procedures.
The test assesses your attitudes toward Safety control, Risk aversion, Stress management, Drug aversion, and Attitudes toward violence.
You are given a series of questions where you are to choose the statement that best fits you or choose to what degree a statement fits you.
The short form comprises of 49 questions, and the long-form comprises of 77 questions.
Skills Tests
Revelian offers a broad range of different technical skills tests which vary according to the skills specific for a particular job. This includes a test for call center telephone etiquette, English business writing, customer mindset service, internet research skills, and Microsoft word skills.
If you are facing the Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT) we have some good news. We can help you prepare. At Aptitude-test.com we offer preparation materials specifically designed for the RCAT. Click to learn more about our Revelian test practice materials.
Aptitude-test.com is not affiliated with Revelian. Revelian and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders.
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