Logical reasoning

Logical Reasoning Test

What is a Logical Reasoning test?

A logical reasoning test is a psychometric tool designed to measure an individual’s capability for logical thinking and problem-solving. These tests are usually non-verbal and presented in a multiple-choice format. They focus on assessing a person’s innate reasoning skills through rules and deduction, rather than relying on previous knowledge.

The term ‘logical reasoning’ encompasses a range of different test types. Test publishers and employers use this label for a variety of assessments, with some of the most common types outlined below.

Abstract Reasoning

In an abstract reasoning test, you will be presented with a matrix of 3 rows and 3 columns, containing 8 items and one missing. Your task is to identify the pattern, rule, or association among the items in the matrix to determine the missing item.

Inductive Reasoning

An inductive reasoning test typically presents a series of figures, shapes, numbers, or letters, and asks you to identify the underlying pattern or rule. Based on this pattern, you are asked to choose the next item in the series.

Deductive Reasoning

In a deductive reasoning test, you must draw conclusions based solely on the information given in the question, not on your own knowledge. If the conclusion cannot be drawn from the given information, then it does not follow. There are several types of questions that evaluate deductive reasoning ability.

Critical Thinking

Critical reasoning tests are similar to deductive reasoning assessments, focusing on scenarios, arguments, evidence, and conclusions presented through text.

These tests measure various skills, including argument analysis. In argument analysis, you’ll encounter a question accompanied by a yes/no answer and a rationale. Your task is to evaluate whether the provided rationale forms a robust or feeble argument.

Additionally, you will be presented with scenarios and statements, requiring you to make assumptions, deductions, and inferences by analyzing the given evidence.

How are Logical Reasoning Tests Used?

Employers often use logical reasoning tests as a tool to screen candidates, typically during the early, pre-interview stages of their selection process.

Logical reasoning is essential in everyday decision-making. Our ability to reason influences how we understand our surroundings and use known facts to make informed choices, making it a crucial skill in numerous job roles.

By conducting a logical reasoning test, employers aim to gauge your potential proficiency in tasks such as developing strategies, assessing risks, forecasting outcomes, and solving problems in general.

Common Types of Logical Reasoning Tests

Logical reasoning tests, though aimed at assessing similar skills, differ greatly in question types, length, time constraints, and level of challenge. Below, you’ll find a selection of the most widely-used logical reasoning tests available today. Click on the links provided to learn how each test evaluates logical reasoning:

  • Talent Q Elements Logical
    The Talent Q Elements Logical Assessment evaluates your logical thinking and analytical skills. It’s part of the Talent Q Elements series, which also features numerical and verbal reasoning tests. This particular test features abstract reasoning type questions, specifically those based on image matrices.
  • Saville 
    Saville aptitude tests are a series of psychometric assessments designed to evaluate various abilities and skills, such as abstract and diagrammatic reasoning.
  • Cut-E
    Cut-e provides a range of psychometric assessments, including inductive and deductive reasoning tests. The design of Cut-e’s tests differs from those offered by other publishers, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with their specific format if you expect to take one.
  • Revelian Abstract Reasoning Test
    The abstract reasoning test assesses your ability to solve conceptual problems by identifying relationships and analyzing patterns. You will be presented with 5 – 6 graphical elements. You have to identify patterns in these elements in order to find one or two elements that are different from the rest.

How to prepare for a Logical Reasoning test?

Preparing for a logical reasoning test involves several key steps. Begin by understanding the types of questions commonly found in these tests, such as pattern recognition, sequence solving, and logical problem-solving.
It’s crucial to practice regularly with sample tests, as this helps in improving both speed and accuracy. Make sure to thoroughly review the explanations for each answer, as understanding the logic behind the correct answers is essential.

Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills is fundamental, as these are the core skills tested.

Simulate test conditions by practicing in a quiet, distraction-free environment to boost focus and concentration. Time management is another important aspect; practice completing questions within a set time limit to mimic the time pressure of the actual test. Stay calm and composed during practice, as this mindset will be beneficial during the real test.

Remember, consistent practice and familiarity with the test format are the keys to success. Lastly, ensure you are well-rested before the actual test, as mental alertness is crucial for logical reasoning tasks.

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